
Showing posts from January, 2016

Paper Girl

Like a book, magazine or newspaper filled with different thoughts, words, stories, secrets, pictures, ideas or news good or bad so is our minds, in there lies a lot of things mostly negative stuffs but out of the negative can come positivity if we want. To me, the mind is a dark place through which light comes out, I am no doctor or scientist but commonsensical I am pretty sure  the inside of every man's body is dark, the combination of several colors each organ has combine with the thick red liquid that runs through our veins, I can only imagine literally how dark a man's inside is and i feel the same with our minds. Just like we are likely to have organs with different colors so can different behaviors or personalities be seen in people, we all know that colors could be associated with our moods however, what colors we love to embrace or how we choose to combine these colors will mostly determine what brightness comes from that dark place. Be that light in the dark with which...