

The nature of goodness is really about wholeness, the nature of badness is about fragmentation. The more we are serious about encountering truth, the more we must let go of the image of ourselves, the very definition of who the world says we are, shifting our focus away from the things seen to understand the existence of things we can't see but which we posses and carry around with us, going deep into our minds and souls to reach into the understanding of who we are and why we are here therefore maximizing our full potentials, lifting the limitation placed on us as human beings the narrative that accompanies our personality has to be loosened. It's no news that we are more focused on our physical growth, either how to attain the world standard of beauty or the world mark of achievement, most of which we get by demeaning and damaging who we really are, we wear all this mask accepting them as who we are while we bury ourselves deep, we are caught up with the crazine...


The greatest ignorance is to think we have no choice, nobody stops us from taking whatever pathway we want except us, there's nothing limiting us that we have not agreed to. We are often told we have to be doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers etc to be considered successful or relevant in our communities. If you are a carpenter, swimming coach, school teacher, trader, workout instructor etc you are not successful so they think. We can not keep letting the world tell us what success is, when all success could really be is what you want it to be. Success  could be a novelist,  a caregiver, a parent, a cyclist, carpenter, doctor etc.  You could be anything you want to be and be successful. What really makes you a success is whatever truly makes you a fulfilled being, whatever gives you peace and joy.

Paper Girl

Like a book, magazine or newspaper filled with different thoughts, words, stories, secrets, pictures, ideas or news good or bad so is our minds, in there lies a lot of things mostly negative stuffs but out of the negative can come positivity if we want. To me, the mind is a dark place through which light comes out, I am no doctor or scientist but commonsensical I am pretty sure  the inside of every man's body is dark, the combination of several colors each organ has combine with the thick red liquid that runs through our veins, I can only imagine literally how dark a man's inside is and i feel the same with our minds. Just like we are likely to have organs with different colors so can different behaviors or personalities be seen in people, we all know that colors could be associated with our moods however, what colors we love to embrace or how we choose to combine these colors will mostly determine what brightness comes from that dark place. Be that light in the dark with which...


When we hear the word Give the first thing that comes to most minds is money, food or literally giving out something but the act of giving is beyond that. This aspect of giving that i want to emphasis on in today's topic is rarely noticed. I once read a testimony of a woman that was blessed with hope, apparently the woman was in a predicament, as she sat at a bus stop, filled with self-pity worrying about a very terrible situation she found herself then she saw a young girl who seem to be homeless and happens to move from one point to another dragging with her butt because she can't walk, she has no leg and has no one with her to assist with anything. She approached her with the biggest smile and said hello to her and kept moving. All she did was said hello but the smile on her face when she said hello was what caught her attention and apparently blessed her. She thought to herself if a physically challenge homeless young girl could wear such big smile, could still greet people...

DIY.. by Kemi Adebayo Ogunode

Hello friends, i feel blessed to see another beautiful day and i believe you feel the same. We should be grateful for life no matter what, we all have one or two things we want a certain way, however that thing can be made possible as long as we are still breathing. So my first write up on my blog was about women, just few words to remind us of how beautiful we are and what our definition of beauty should be. We are indeed a blessing. And thanks to those who took their time to read it, if you haven't kindly do, the topic is WOMAN. It's nice to be reminded and might help some of us reconsider what beauty really mean to us.